5 Ways to Clean Sofa at Home

A sofa is often the center of a living room and is used by everyone in the house. Over time, it can become dirty and stained, making it look worn out and uninviting. While professional cleaning services can be costly, it is possible to get your sofa looking and smelling fresh by cleaning it yourself at home. In this guide, we will provide several effective cleaning methods to help you remove dirt, stains, and odors from your sofa without breaking the bank. Whether you have a fabric or leather sofa, our tips and tricks will help you extend its life and maintain its appearance for years to come.


The first step in sofa cleaning is to vacuum it regularly. Vacuuming removes any dust, pet hair, and crumbs that accumulate on the surface of the sofa, preventing them from settling deeper into the fabric. Use your vacuum’s upholstery attachment to reach any crevices or corners that may be difficult to clean.

Baking Soda

For larger, more noticeable stains or odors, baking soda can be an effective solution. Mix a small amount of baking soda and water into a paste and apply it to the affected area. Leave the paste on the stain for a few hours, then vacuum up any remaining residue.

Steam Cleaning

A steam cleaner is a great tool for deep cleaning your sofa. It uses hot water vapor to penetrate deep into the fabric, loosening dirt and stains. Simply fill the steam cleaner with water and allow it to heat up. Then, slowly move the cleaner over the surface of the sofa, taking care to cover every inch.


Vinegar is another effective cleaning agent that can be used to remove stains and odors from your sofa. Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spray the affected area. Allow the solution to sit for a few moments before wiping it away with a clean cloth.

Spot Cleaning

For specific stains, spot cleaning may be the best option. Different materials require different cleaning methods, so be sure to check the care label on your sofa before proceeding. For example, a gentle soap and water solution can be used on many fabrics, while leather sofas may require a specialized cleaner.

Tips on how to maintain sofa at home

  • Regularly vacuum the sofa to remove loose debris, such as pet hair, dust, and dirt. Use the upholstery attachment and run it over the entire sofa, including the crevices and corners.
  • Address spills and stains as soon as possible to prevent them from setting in. Blot the affected area with a clean, white towel or cloth to absorb the excess liquid. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing the stain, as that can spread or damage the fabric. Use a targeted cleaner for the specific type of stain, such as grease, wine, or ink. Test the cleaner on an inconspicuous area first, and follow the instructions carefully. Rinse the area with water and let it dry completely.
  • Use throw blankets or pillow covers to protect the sofa’s fabric from spills and stains. You can switch them up to refresh the look of the sofa and prevent wear and tear on the fabric.
  • Avoid exposing the sofa to direct sunlight, heat sources, or moisture, as those can fade or damage the fabric. Position the sofa away from windows, heaters, or humidifiers. Use curtains or blinds to filter out sunlight or shade.
  • Rotate the cushions and pillows regularly to distribute the wear evenly. Fluff them up to maintain their shape and support. Follow the care instructions for each cushion or pillow (e.g., hand wash, dry clean, machine wash).
  • Consider a professional cleaning for your sofa at least once a year to keep it looking its best. A professional cleaner can deep clean the fabric and remove any accumulated dirt, dust, or allergens. They can also apply a protective coating to the fabric to repel stains and maintain its texture. Before hiring a cleaner, make sure they are experienced, reliable, and use safe and effective methods for your sofa’s fabric.


1. How often should I vacuum my sofa?

It’s recommended to vacuum your sofa at least once a week. However, if you have pets or children, you may need to vacuum more frequently.

2. Can I use bleach to clean my sofa?

No, bleach can damage the fabric of your sofa and is not recommended for cleaning. It’s best to stick to gentler cleaning solutions.


In conclusion, there are several ways to clean a sofa at home, ranging from basic vacuuming to more intensive methods like steam cleaning. By taking regular care of your sofa and addressing stains and odors promptly, you can keep it looking and smelling fresh for years to come.

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